Students with Acquired Brain Injury: Steps to Take for Successful School Reintegration

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Students with Acquired Brain Injury: Steps to take for Successful School ReintegrationVirtual Conference Replay$45
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  • 1xStudents with Acquired Brain Injury: Steps to take for Successful School Reintegration (NM)$45

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Children with acquired brain injury are entitled to support and services provided by their public schools. While some students may only require accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, others require special education and related services via an Individual Education Plan (IEP).  The presentation will include a review of what services schools are responsible for providing and when; medical vs. educational therapies, understanding the needs of children at various grade levels, as well as clarification regarding who funds Assistive technology, 1:1 aide or nursing supports, and Vocational Rehabilitation services.
